Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Starting tomorrow, Thursday May 24 - There's still space and time. A great opportunity to learn how to draw animals!

Neilson Park Creative Centre presents:

S18APET  (click here for more information)    
Thursdays May 24 – Jun. 21, 2018     5 weeks
1:00pm - 4:00pm
$165.00 (HST $186.45)

We love our pets to bits and would love even more to be able to portray them artistically – capturing them as we see them. Not just for cat and dog lovers - we will explore a variety of approaches in portraying our pets (or favourite animals!) – from line to gesture drawings and understanding structure, to finished works in different techniques and media. We will work from photos that you have taken of your pet. Classroom instruction includes demonstrations, slideshows to introduce the work of artists who specialize in portraying animals, one-on-one instruction and class critiques in a supportive environment.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

ART MAKING: Drawing, Painting, and Collage    JULY 16-20

Join me at Haliburton School of Art and Design this summer for a week of making art in the medium of your choice. Whether you like to work in acrylics, pastels, watercolour or mixed media (sorry - no oils), you'll have the opportunity to work on your own projects with lots of guidance and instruction. We will get started with visual exercises designed to  engage with subject matter and media, and to open up creative channels and enhance ways of seeing and thinking about your art.
Composition, technique, and personal expression will be addressed and positive feedback provided. Enjoy the great summer vibe at HSAD while exploring new ideas and taking time to focus on your artistic vision. Click here for more information.

All levels of experience welcome!

Monday, April 02, 2018

Saturday, May 5, 2018     9:00-5:00

Haliburton School of Art and Design at

Fleming College, Peterborough

Join me for a day of drawing at the Sutherland Campus in Peterborough. Whether you are an absolute beginner, or would like a refresher - instruction will provide the visual tools to get you started on the road to good drawing practices. 
Learn tried-and-true drawing techniques, explore a variety of media, and find new ways of seeing and thinking about drawing. Work with expressive line, blind drawing, tonal values, and learn to sight and measure for accuracy in angle and proportion. 
Instruction will include examples and demonstrations, and positive feedback in a supportive environment.
Check the link here.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Trail Mix

Fresh off the easel - my piece for the Reassembled show at NPCC. This is a 'reassembly' culled together from many sources. Serendipity was employed overtime to bring together all the disparate, dissonant, and sometimes disconsolate elements to create something somewhat unified.....sort of like our country. Wresting order out of chaos.

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Recent Figure Work

This term I filled a sketchbook with figure work done in Derwent Inktense watercolour pencils. I like the way they feel when I draw - working a bit smaller than usual and trying to maintaing a loose, but accurate style. I put the water on at home, where I can lay the paper flat for a bit of control. These sketches are anywhere from a few minutes to 15 minute poses with a variety of models. Some of them are still waiting to be painted - I'll post them later.