Saturday, November 05, 2016

New PopUps

Deciding what projects to do for a workshop involves a lot of time in the studio, allowing my brain free rein to see where it will take me. A big pile of newly painted papers inspired these designs - using 'found' shapes to build structures around. It's an exciting process that opens up new ideas and ways of thinking about this art form. 

Friday, November 04, 2016

Pastel Workshop

Join me for a 4-day Pastel Workshop at Neilson Park Creative Centre. Thursdays, starting November 24 to December 15, all day, 9:30-4:00. Learn new techniques, hone your drawing skills and enjoy the versatility of this very exciting medium.

Sunday, October 02, 2016

Stones Series
I took a week-long workshop with Steve Rose through HSAD at OCADU earlier this summer. It was so great to have nothing to do but draw and paint under the direction of Steve's excellent tutelage. These drawings are the result of a busy week of drawing and conceptual exercises. They are painted on paper, then layers of chalk pastel and mark-making. 

Saturday, October 01, 2016

What's Left
A PopUp piece that was chosen for the Etobicoke Art Group Annual Juried Show in May. 

Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Back To School

This summer was great - full of new experiences in learning and teaching. I participated in a 5-day workshop at SynStudios 'Gathering of Masters' in Montreal, taught for 2 weeks (Life Drawing and Paper PopUp) at Haliburton School of Art and Design, spent a week with Steve Rose in his Impressionism: Passion, Power and Paint at OCADU, and still had time to swim, bike and hike. 

Fall classes are filling up quickly - I'll be back at Visual Arts Mississauga and Neilson Park Creative Centre, teaching Drawing to all skill levels. Whether you are an absolute Beginner, or you've had some experience and want to explore new ways of seeing, or learn new media techniques - I've got lots of offer and looking forward to an exciting Fall session.
As well - check out up-coming workshops: A two-day PopUp workshop at CBBAG,
and Oct.31 Magic Monday at Visual Arts Mississauga.
In November, I'll be teaching a 4-day Pastel Workshop at Neilson Park.

Click on the links to see class information. 

Sunday, August 07, 2016

with the Canadian Bookbinders and Book Arts Guild…and me! On September 10-11. Looking forward to a great weekend of paper engineering.

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

SynStudio Gathering of Masters
I just returned from a fabulous 5-day workshop at SynStudio Art School in Montreal. Something a little different for me because a lot of the people were in the video game industry. These are from the saturday night figure drawing event with Samantha Youssef.
Poses were a minute or less.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Life Drawing at Haliburton
Time is quickly running out to sign up for summer classes at Haliburton School of Art and Design. I'll be teaching an introductory course of Life Drawing, July 18-22. A great, intensive week of learning the basics for absolute beginners, or an excellent class for those wanting to improve their drawing skills. I'm a long-time Life Drawing instructor and I maintain an encouraging and safe classroom environment in which to learn. You can check out student testimonials here.
Full immersion is the way to go, and the summer vibe at Haliburton is fabulous! 

Saturday, May 07, 2016

Summer is Coming…
time to sign up for art classes at Haliburton School of Art and Design!
 If you or someone you know is interested in learning how to draw from the model, I'll be teaching Life Drawing: Basics and Beyond July 18-22. A great opportunity to immerse yourself in drawing from life and to enjoy Haliburton at its summer best. I've been teaching Life Drawing for a few years, as well as including it in my regular art practice. Students can count on expert guidance in an exciting and supportive class atmosphere and enjoy watching their drawing skills improve daily.
I'll also be leading a one-day workshop in Paper Engineering, Saturday, July 16. Have fun playing with paper pop-up. You can contact me here, or on my Helen McCusker Artist page on Facebook if you have questions.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Homage: Figurative and Portrait Works
I'm happy to announce a group show at Neilson Park Creative Centre. Giving tribute to the models who inspire us. May 16-June 5, Reception: Sunday, May 29, 2-4 p.m.
Hope to see you there!
Tree Shadows
The Maple on my front lawn cast a beautiful, almost symmetrical, shadow one bright day and I've been using the photos to play with composition and colour in endless variations. 

Friday, March 25, 2016

Pop Up Workshop in April

This has been a great year for Pop Ups! 
I just finished a 4-day gig at the Cawthra Park Secondary School, with Grades 9 and 10 Visual Arts Students. They did some amazing work with painted paper pop ups. 
And now I'm looking forward to my upcoming workshop 
over two Sundays in April (10 & 17). 
Join me at Neilson Park Creative Centre to learn some cool moves in Paper Engineering.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Haliburton School of Art and Design - Summer 2016

Once again I am excited to be on the faculty at Haliburton teaching in their summer program. 
I will be there for two weeks at the end of July, 
teaching a one day Pop-Up Workshop on Saturday, July 16, 
Life Drawing: Basics and Beyond from July 18-22, 
and Youth/Teen Pop-Up Book from July 25-29
Click on the Course names to link to Haliburton School of Art and Design.

April Pop-Up Workshop!
Join me for two days in April ( Sunday, April 10 & 17) for a Pop-Up Art Workshop at
and learn some cool Paper Engineering moves. Whether you're a book artist, love paper, origami buff or just want to try something new - I teach a versatile and creative workshop designed to meet you at your level of expertise, whether you're just beginning or you've had some experience with pop ups.